Toward Seasports Club (SCIO)
This page contains the links to various forms and paperwork that you might be asked to complete when requesting services or taking part in different club activities. As follows:
Mooring & Storage Request Form
If you are a member of TSC and would like to request a mooring or craft/equipment storage then please complete this online form.
50/50 Draw Standing Order Mandate
If you are a member of TSC and would like to take part in our 50/50 Draw please download, complete, sign and return this form.
Application for Use of Clubhouse
If you would like to apply for use of the Clubhouse please download, complete, sign and return this form.
For club members the current charge is £20 for half a day and £40 for the full day.
For non members the current charge is £40 for half a day and £80 for the full day.
Half day 09.00hrs to 13.00hrs or 13.00hrs to 17.00hrs
Full day 09.00hrs to 17.00hrs
Business use, whether by a club member or not, must be covered its own public liability insurance.